Sunday, August 22, 2010

The White Masai

The White Masia movie, by Hermanine Huntgeburth, is based on Connie Hofmann’s novel which makes a representation of a possible result in a not so common relationship between two people of totally different cultures.

On the last day of a trip to Kenya, Carola, the main character who is a young Swiss woman, decides to stay alone, leaving her boyfriend go back to Switzerland. She falls in love with a Masai warrior called Lemalian, but she does not know where he lives. So, she risks her life in order to find the man of her dreams; who lives in a village in the Samburu District. Once they meet, they start living together. Carola marries Lemalian and stays with him for several years, feeling frustrated more than once because of their differences. One of those differences was the female circumcision that the people in the village practice in teenagers. She is totally against it. Another difference that causes frustration between them is Lemalian’ jealousy. He cannot understand how Carola can see other men in the eyes and be faithful to him. Even so, she has a daughter with Lemalian, but one day she decides to go back to Switzerland and never returns to Kenya.

Hermanine Huntgeburth, based on Connie Hofmann’s novel, lets us understand how life might be between two people from totally different cultures. I highly recommend this movie to culture lovers.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Culture and Communication-The Relationship Between communication and culture, characteristics of Culture.

The author explains how culture works in relationships, groups, organizations and societies; furthermore how communication spreads culture around the world, its characteristics.

Culture in relationships, groups, organizations and societies, according to the author, differ in a common way. For instance, while a couple may share some activities, these will be different in an organization. I had a cousin, and when she met her future boyfriend, she adopted one of his habits. They shared going cycling, so they do it every weekend now. Therefore, they are developing a custom. In addition, when she was working, every 19th day of the month, she and her co-workers went to a restaurant and shared all kinds of anecdotes about the experiences with their customers. This was a nice meeting style, according to her. They were also developing a custom.

Now, referring to communication, or how this is known by others, I would like to say that words are the essence of communication. A good example will be my cousin’s story. She told me this while I was working on this reaction. I wrote it, published it and you will read it. For all these I need the Internet, and the sweetest thing of communication is speech. So, this is a good example of how the relationship between communication and culture improves its spreading. So, culture needs communication to be known and that is what societies now are trying to apply as human interaction to spread all their customs, beliefs, habits, and so on.

Moreover, all this culture has beautiful characteristics. Culture is a difficult and it is changing constantly. Each relationship, group, organization and society works on the development of the invisible culture, which characterizes it. I have an easy example to explain it. To continue with the cousin’s story, I had another cousin who shared a totally different activity with her boyfriend. Instead of going cycling, each weekend they watched a marathon of movies. So, if in relationships there are these differences, imagine between societies, while in Costa Rica men can just have one wife, in the Middle East they have more than one.

In conclusion, that is how culture works in relationships, groups, organizations and societies, and how it has been spreading around the world, with all its characteristics

Monday, August 9, 2010

Creating a Culture Blog

Creating a culture blog is a creative, different and contemporary activity to improve our skills in a second language. Creative because you will have the opportunity to create an online diary in which you will add all the culture information that calls your attention, and you can even compare it with our Costa Rican customs. Also you can add all comments regarding any reading. Remember writing and reading will increase your vocabulary!

Besides being creative, it is also different. It is not so common to do such an activity in a learning class, and the funniest will be that it will be open for all those who like to read about this kind of topics, and they could even open the discussion for new ideas. That will also increase your skills in the second language!

Finally, creating a blog is a contemporary activity. In 2010 it is common for people around the word to have a blog where they write every little thing that comes to their mind, and even better: you can add pictures, songs and videos. So, you will be interested in finding all this kind of materials regarding your topics and expanding your knowledge. In conclusion, creating a culture blog will be a creative, different and contemporary activity that for sure will increase your skills in a second language.