Sunday, August 22, 2010

The White Masai

The White Masia movie, by Hermanine Huntgeburth, is based on Connie Hofmann’s novel which makes a representation of a possible result in a not so common relationship between two people of totally different cultures.

On the last day of a trip to Kenya, Carola, the main character who is a young Swiss woman, decides to stay alone, leaving her boyfriend go back to Switzerland. She falls in love with a Masai warrior called Lemalian, but she does not know where he lives. So, she risks her life in order to find the man of her dreams; who lives in a village in the Samburu District. Once they meet, they start living together. Carola marries Lemalian and stays with him for several years, feeling frustrated more than once because of their differences. One of those differences was the female circumcision that the people in the village practice in teenagers. She is totally against it. Another difference that causes frustration between them is Lemalian’ jealousy. He cannot understand how Carola can see other men in the eyes and be faithful to him. Even so, she has a daughter with Lemalian, but one day she decides to go back to Switzerland and never returns to Kenya.

Hermanine Huntgeburth, based on Connie Hofmann’s novel, lets us understand how life might be between two people from totally different cultures. I highly recommend this movie to culture lovers.

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