Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ae Fond Kiss Film

Ae Fond kiss movie, directed by Ken Loach, is another love story of a couple with different cultures that portrayed a great example of tolerance between religious’ differences.
It takes place at city in Scotland, where a Muslim family settled down. The family was integrated by: Tariq, Sandim, Cadim; who is a Scottish young man and two sisters the oldest Rucksana and the youngest Tahara; a rebel eighteen young woman.

Tahara ,who was a student at Catholic high school, had a music professor call Roisin, who fell in love with Casim; Tahara’s brother. So, they began a relationship without troubles, even when they are from different religious, and they started to live together.
As the film advanced you could notice all their troubles for keeping this type of relationship going on, as Casim had problems with his family because they wanted him to marry his cousin. Meanwhile, Roisin had troubles as well, as she is not supposed to teach in a Catholic school while she lives with a man without getting married first.

All in all, Ae Fond Kiss film is a love story which portrayed a great example of learning to be tolerant within a couple with different religious.

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