Thursday, October 28, 2010

Arranged Film

The Arranged film produced by Cicala Firm works and written by Stefan Schaefer, is a good example of a friendship between two girls from different cultures, and the way other’s eyes accept their friendship.

Two young women; one an Orthodox Jew, and the other a devout Muslim became friends, while they teach at a school located in Brooklyn, and both were having arranged marriages by their parents.

In spite of their religion, they wanted to keep their friendship because they became very close friends, and shared their traditions. This also happened because both were having troubles in accepting the men chosen by their parents.

Despite all those troubles I saw how they found the way of getting out of those awful situations, keeping their friendship and their traditions as well.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this film, because it is a good example to learn how to keep a friendship between people from different cultures and it is unusual for other’s eyes. An excellent practice of tolerance!

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